Lhasa Winter Experience

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Trip Length: 17 days / 16 nights
Trip outline: Lhasa-Gyangtse-Saga-Manasarovar lake-Kailash-Tada-Shigatse-LhasaActivity: Cultural Spiritual Experienc,Overland Driving Tours,Plateau Trekking tours,Photography
Tours Season: June to July
You weren’t on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you. In my experience, there is no such thing as luck. Partially, but it also obeys your commands. I want to come with you to Alderaan. There’s nothing for me here now. I want to learn the ways of the Force and be a Jedi, like my father before me. The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
Make An Inqury 
DAY 01 – 03. Our representatives greet your arrival at the airport/train station and it is a short drive to the holy Lhasa city along the Lhasa river within a valley enclosed by barren mountains. Far before reaching to the city you will have the first glimpse of tremendous Potala Palace appearing out from the rest of the city by perching on the red hill. Then check in the hotel which is located in the old part of the town and which is also known as Tibetan area that centered by mystical Jokhang temple and the bustling Bakhor street. In the following couple of days we have thoughtfully arranged few but worthy visit to some world heritages and sites of breathing Tibetan Buddhists along acclimation and alleviating Jet-lag. You have plenty of time to walk shoulder to shoulder with devoted local pilgrims in the bustling Bakhor street, it is also a real pleasure to explore the busy cobbled lanes twisting around the aged buildings in the supernatural Drepung and Sera monastery, and our knowledgeable guides enhance your experiences with a thorough historical and cultural explanation. These days are flexible and easy to do on your own exploration around the town and hang around the Bakhor street during your leisure. In addition we do arrange special experiences of short visit to typical Tibetan village family or receive rare scared blessings from high lamas with local pilgrims per client’s interest.

DAY 04 – 05. After couple of days acclimation, you are dare to drive over the Gampa la pass and Karo la pass to Gyantse and Shigatse in the western Tibetan plateau. Along the upstream of the Brahmaputra river we climb up the Gampa la(4900m) through numbers of switch-backs, from the pass you will amaze by the breathtaking view of the holy Lake Yamdrok and snow capped Mt.Nyenchen Kangsar in the background, then further to Gyantse and Shigatse via bloomy glaciers and scattered villages. Both Gyantse and Shigatse are well known for its historical and religious value since from ancient time, Gyantse is known as hero’s town as the British troops defeated by Gyantse guerrilla in 1904, more over, these regions has slightly different culture and tradition than in Lhasa, there we will visit Gyantse Kubhum stupa and Tashi Lhunpo monastery. Before we head into the long journey to the far-west plateau we visit the famous Sakya monastery and pause a night at Lhatse.

DAY 06 – 08. Following the footstep of pilgrims to the far-west Tibet, traverse several high passes within the moonscape terrain of western plain. Through the region where the lifestyle remains close to what it has been for centuries, the enliven and lone groups of nomads families dwelling in the low, black tents are tending flocks of sheep and herds of ubiquitous yaks over the pastures, nevertheless, the abounding wild lives can be found in this region like herds of wild ass, Tibetan gazelle, wild yaks and so on. Finally the perspective view of supernatural peak of Kailash can be achieved from the Lake Manasarovar, spend a night on the holy lake side by absorbing the striking beauties of mystical lake. Hike up to Chiu monastery perching on a small hill offers a breathtaking panorama of the lake Manasarovar.


DAY 09 – 11. Darchen the formerly important sheep station for the local nomads and their cattle. Now it is populated with numbers of guesthouses and restaurants. it is located right in front of white sentinel Kailash and it is also the starting and ending point of Kailash circuit, the 58km circumambulation follow the footstep of devoted pilgrims with the alpine valley, blooming glacier and spectacular view of the great north face of Kailash can be seen end of the day, after cross the challenging Dolma la pass(5600m), the trail descent the steep and rock-strewn valley to Dzultrul puk and then on the next day a easy trek to Darchen.


DAY 12 – 13. Drive further south-west towards Ali, then turn off to Zanda at Moincer, through a long zigzag road down and up incredibly eroded gorges and gullies, sooner the capital of the ancient kingdom of Guge can be seen down below in the valley floor. From various vantage points on the descent into Toling town, there are some of the spectacular views of canyons and sand dunes in the upper Sutlej valley. The vast sweep of the Himalayans is dicernible, as the range turns north west from Nepal and along the Indian border as far as Ladakh and Kashmir spanning several hundred kilometers. Moreover, ruins of temples and caves of ancient Guge kingdom still breathing with exquisite murals and decorative motifs that dating back more than 1000 years.
DAY 14 – 16. Retrace the road back to Lhasa and replenishing the remarkable plateau sceneries that you missed on the way up. Through the northern friendship highway you will following the Brahmaputra river to Lhasa, in the afternoon you have plenty of the time to continues explore the hustling Bakhor street and you may need to buy some souvenirs for your family and friends at home.
DAY 17. Today it is your last day on the Tibet plateau. Before your departure, we will appreciate if you can spent few minutes to evaluate our services for future improvement and you can either leave the feedback form to your guide or just write us a email, at your departure, your guide and driver meet you at the hotel lobby and transfer you to the airport/train station per your schedule. The trip officially ends.
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