Weather In Tibet

Travel Season & Temperature in Tibet


Tibet used to be called the roof of the world or consider to be the third pole of the world. And the four seasons are manifestly visible. Tibet Introduces itself a remote isolated country. The Tibet plateau is sandwiched between four mighty mountain ranges from south to west by Himalayan range. From Hengduan mountain of mid China to west by the Tanggula and Kunlun ranges cuts the plateau into three portions. From the north. Qilan range bordered to Xinjiang. Gansu and Inner Mongolia. with strong winds, low humidity, a rarified atmosphere and a huge fluctuation in annual and summer daytime temperature. Major highway, roads, trail cover the snow. All tours in Tibet initiate from March to November. From middle of May to the middle or end of September consider to be the touristic season of Tibet. Summer weather patterns are similar, so the following applies nearly the whole time that we run trips. But Fall <September – November>  or Spring < April – May> also used to be the best time to travel Tibet because the sky is very clear and less tourist in Tibet. The monsoon washes over Tibet sometimes bringing brief showers of rain and lots of cloud but mostly the main Himalayan chain stops the real monsoon from reaching Tibet. Tibet is mostly fine for the whole year and it is very rare for it to be covered in thick cloud, rather big, fluffy clouds often in the afternoon. Sometimes these obscure views but often they don’t, merely add to the whole panorama.

Annual Weather Averages in the cities on the Tibet Plateau



Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
Jan 9 -7 2 -16 7 -9 6 -18 8 -12 0 -25 5 -20 9 -12
Feb 11 -5 6 -11 14 -7 9 -16 9 -10 0 -24 5 -15 13 -10
Mar 14 0 11 -6 15 -3 13 -10 12 -4 7 -17 10 -10 14 -5
Apr 17 3 17 0 20 0 15 -4 16 0 12 -11 8 -2 15 -2
May 21 8 20 5 20 0 21 -1 20 5 16 -5 30 -5 21 0
Jun 24 11 23 8 24 0 23 0 23 9 21 0 30 -5 23 0
Jul 24 12 24 11 24 0 23 0 22 10 25 0 35 -5 22 0
Aug 23 11 24 10 24 0 24 0 21 9 23 0 35 5 21 0
Sept 22 9 19 7 20 0 20 -1 20 7 21 -2 25 -5 20 0
Oct 18 4 15 0 17 0 16 -7 16 -1 14 -11 30 -5 18 -3
Nov 13 -2 9 -7 20 -5 7 -9 12 -8 7 -15 20 -10 16 -10
Dec 11 -6 3 -14 13 -8 6 -13 9 -12 4 -21 -2.5 -15 13 -11

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