Upper Wutunsi (Sanggeshung Yago) སེང་གེ་གཤོང་ཡ་འགོ།

Upper Wutunsi(Ch) is called Sanggeshung Yago Palden Choejor ling monastery in Tibetan and a Geluk monastery in the Rebkong region of Amdo, the monastery originally built by Rangan Lobsang Dargye in 1650. The head Lamas of this monastery are Drakar Ngakrinpa and Bipa Tsang. Currently there are 270 monks living in the monastery and three Lamas. The main temples in Sanggeshung Yago monastery are the Assemble Hall. Buddha Shakyamuni Hall. Matreiya Hall. Protectors Temple. And the newly built Tsongkapa Temple. The Sangge Shung Yago monastery is also equally famous for its Rebkong style Thangka paintings. The monastery is also celebrating the festivals like Shaman festival in summer and Monlam festival in winter during the new year.

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