Tag Archives: Nangchen kingdom

Tibet Flight Schedule

Tibet Flights Schedule Tibet opens both international and domestic airlines. Currently, tourists can fly to Lhasa directly from other major cities of China, like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Chengdu, Xining, Xi’an, Kunming, Zhongdian. Besides, there are flights to Lhasa from Katmandu, capital of Nepal, and Chamdo in Tibet. Moreover, a new …

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Amdo to Kham Overland

Jyekundo   Jyekundo means a place where one valley opens into another one, The valley formed by two tributaries of the Jyegu river, Dzachu and Pelchu. Jyekundo, like most parts of Yushu prefecture, is moreover rich in Buddhist monasteries. The different balance of power in this part of Kham enabled …

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