Tag Archives: Lhasa Tibet

Tibet World Travel

Welcome and Tashi Delek on behalf of TWT. We offer an independent, friendly, reliable, comprehensive and safe tours and trekkings service at very aggressive rates. We have been providing quality travel services from long time. We provide Trekking, Horse Riding Trekking,

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Tibet Travel FAQs

Tibet travel FAQs is designed to answer many of the questions for people who are planning and preparing for a travel to Tibet. The questions listed here, and their respective answers are meant only as a general guide to help you plan and organize your trip before the booking your …

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Eastern Lhasa Tour

Day 1 :Arrive Lhasa and Acclimatization Arrive at Lhasa train station or airport, your guide and driver will pick you up there in person with a warm Tibetan style welcome ceremony by presenting you Khata and afterwards transfer you to the hotel, suggest you stay at hotel to have good …

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Mt. Gado Jowo trek

This private tour will show you the perfect route from Amdo to Kham region with holiest Mt Gato Jowo. and you will also visit the largest nunnery in the world Yachen Gar. and the magnificent views of Lhagang grass land.

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