Tag Archives: Labrang monastery

Labrang Monastery

Labrang Tashikyil Monastery or simply Labrang, was founded in 1710 by the First Jamyang Zhepa, Ngawang Tsondru (1648-1722), in the Amdo province of northeastern Tibet. It lies 250 kilometers southwest of Lanzhou, and is presently included in southwestern Gansu Province of China, near the border of Qinghai Province. It is …

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Jyekundo Explore Tour

This tour will show you the location of hidden monastery in Nangchen. Dana monastery and Gechak nunnery. and the territory where King Gesar spent most of his time. and Jyekundo. which consider to be the source of Asia's major rivers. Yellow river. Yangtze river and Mekong river.

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Tibet Flight Schedule

Tibet Flights Schedule Tibet opens both international and domestic airlines. Currently, tourists can fly to Lhasa directly from other major cities of China, like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Chengdu, Xining, Xi’an, Kunming, Zhongdian. Besides, there are flights to Lhasa from Katmandu, capital of Nepal, and Chamdo in Tibet. Moreover, a new …

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