Tag Archives: Explore Tibet

Eastern Lhasa Tour

Day 1 :Arrive Lhasa and Acclimatization Arrive at Lhasa train station or airport, your guide and driver will pick you up there in person with a warm Tibetan style welcome ceremony by presenting you Khata and afterwards transfer you to the hotel, suggest you stay at hotel to have good …

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Amdo Nomad Camping Tour

This private tour will show you the perfect route for you to marvel at the Heavenly Lake - Kokonor and enjoy the magnificent views of Amdo vast grass land, the splendid highlights of Amdo: splendid Repkong art, mystical Labrang, Experience Amdo nomad life, and Camping with Nomads.

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Lithang Horse Racing Festival

This private tour will show you the perfect route of Amdo and Kham overland from Xining to Chengdu. with the magnificent views of Amdo grassland and Khampa terrains. and also the splendid highlights of Jyekundo and Litang Horse Racing Festivals.

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