Tag Archives: Explore Tibet

Mt Gato Jowa Adventure

This private tour will show you one of the four holiest mountain Gato Jowo. and the hidden nomad cities of Jyekundo. and also explore the ancient Buddhist monasteries in Jyekundo. Karnang monastery. Serkhang monastery. and the source of three rivers. Yellow river. Mekong river and Yangzi river.

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Northern Four Grand Monasteries

This private tour will show you the northern four grand monasteries of Amdo region. Serkok monastery. Chusang monastery. Gonlung monastery and Shachuang monastery. Also explore the Buddhist painting Thangka art from Repkong. and discover the cultural heartland Labrang and Labrang monastery.

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Tibet Travel FAQs

Tibet travel FAQs is designed to answer many of the questions for people who are planning and preparing for a travel to Tibet. The questions listed here, and their respective answers are meant only as a general guide to help you plan and organize your trip before the booking your …

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