Tag Archives: Amnye Machen

Mt Gato Jowa Adventure

This private tour will show you one of the four holiest mountain Gato Jowo. and the hidden nomad cities of Jyekundo. and also explore the ancient Buddhist monasteries in Jyekundo. Karnang monastery. Serkhang monastery. and the source of three rivers. Yellow river. Mekong river and Yangzi river.

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Northern Four Grand Monasteries

This private tour will show you the northern four grand monasteries of Amdo region. Serkok monastery. Chusang monastery. Gonlung monastery and Shachuang monastery. Also explore the Buddhist painting Thangka art from Repkong. and discover the cultural heartland Labrang and Labrang monastery.

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Amdo Nomad Camping Tour

This private tour will show you the perfect route for you to marvel at the Heavenly Lake - Kokonor and enjoy the magnificent views of Amdo vast grass land, the splendid highlights of Amdo: splendid Repkong art, mystical Labrang, Experience Amdo nomad life, and Camping with Nomads.

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Tibet History

Tibetan history, as it has been recorded, is particularly focused on the history of Buddhism in Tibet. This is partly due to the pivotal role this religion has played in the development of Tibetan and Mongol cultures and partly because almost all native historians of the country were Buddhist

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Responsible Travel

It can be tough being in another country, especially one with cultural practices, language, and climate very different from your own. Assumptions you make about where you can go, what you can film, with whom you can speak, and what you can eat, may be terribly wrong, and in the …

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