Shechen Monastery ཞེ་ཆེན་དགོན་པ།

Shechen Monastery. one of the Six “Mother” Nyingma Monasteries of Tibet, was founded in 1695 by Shechen Rabjam Tenpé Gyaltsen who was sent to Kham with this purpose by the Fifth Dalai Lama. It is located in Derge between Nangdo and Dzogchen Monastery. Shechen Monastery became, gradually, the head of a network of around one hundred and sixty satellite monasteries situated all over the Himalayan region. Rapidly becoming renowned for the authenticity of the teachings at its shedra and for the quality of its sacred arts, it became one of the six main monasteries of the Nyingma tradition. Many great masters came forth from Shechen Monastery including Shechen Gyaltsab, Shechen Kongtrul, Khenpo Gangshar, and the sage Mipham Rinpoche. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Chögyam Trungpa and many other important 20th century teachers received teachings at the monastery.

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