Responsible Travel

It can be tough being in another country, especially one with cultural practices, language, and climate very different from your own. Assumptions you make about where you can go, what you can film, with whom you can speak, and what you can eat, may be terribly wrong, and in the end terribly damaging.
Here are a few things that you can do to lighten your step, deepen your experience, and be a responsible visitor.

LEARN a few important phrases in the most common language of the place you are going – you’ll make friends and quite possibly gain access to a deeper cultural experience.

BE AWARE of the social practices in the country where you’re traveling and try to live within them. Simple things like dress, table manners or eating habits that may seem unimportant to you might offend or even frighten local people. This might mean doing things you aren’t accustomed to like taking off your shoes when entering someone’s home, office or place of worship, or accepting heavily sweetened tea and coffee when visiting someone’s house. It might also mean curbing some behaviour that many of us engage in instinctively: refraining from holding hands in places where public displays of affection are frowned upon, is just one example. Most travel guides offer insights into cultural norms and expected behaviour.

WOMEN travelers, especially, might notice a lot of difference in the way you are treated. Be aware that in some places it’s not appropriate to show your calves, for example, or to wear a sleeveless shirt. Nor is it appropriate in many countries, to enter a temple or place of worship if you are menstruating. A good rule to go by is: don’t do anything that you feel will put you in danger, but also remember that there are reasons for these traditions, and that if the local women accept them, you probably should too. Again, check the travel guides and talk to locals to learn more about what is acceptable.

USE your judgment, and try to keep an open mind. Think of it as a great opportunity to experience a new culture and get a feel for what the lives of the local people are like.

RESPECT the cultural property of the local people, and be careful of commodifying or “cheapening” that culture. For example, there may be places where taking pictures is not considered appropriate, whether they be of artifacts, buildings, or people; even asking permission might be seen as an intrusion. It’s best to ask a tour guide or cultural interpreter before breaking out a camera. Try not to approach locals and offer them money for stories, dances, or other cultural arts. In many places there are performances of such arts offered in tourist locations. These performances will often be more respectful and will include an interpreter or host who will explain the significance and historical context of the arts you are experiencing.

NEVER remove cultural artifacts from their setting, even if they are as small as a carved stone on a beach or a piece of string or paper tied in a tree. These items may have considerable significance, and removing them may be considered theft or cultural destruction. Similarly, don’t carve, write on, or otherwise mark landmarks, natural features or cultural articles. While such practices may be acceptable in some contexts in your own environment, they may shock and offend others in different parts of the world.

TREAT the natural environment with respect and care. “Take only memories, leave only footprints,” – it applies in the Pacific as much as anywhere. While picking plants, collecting beach stones, traveling off the beaten path, or collecting shells might seem like a great way to bring back a souvenir, it could be very harmful to the environment or to yourself. For example, fruits or berries that look similar to edible varieties could be very poisonous, or a vital and fragile food source for local wildlife. Coral, limestone cave and grotto formations, and certain plant life take decades or even centuries to grow, and even brushing them with your hand could undo years of growth. Read the literature at park interpretive centres, in pamphlets and travel books, and consult guides and local people before venturing out alone; better yet, make friends and invite them along with you – most people are happy and proud to show you their environment. Rules and warnings are there for a reason, and it’s better for you and the environment to respect them.

CARRY a card with the name of your accommodation and maybe a quick map of how to get there in case you get lost (if you don’t read the language of the place you’re in, write it in your own language, too!).

GET ACQUAINTED with what services exist for tourists, like tourism information booths, translators, guides, and other services. Know where your country’s embassy or consulate is in case you get into any kind of trouble.

ALWAYS KNOW where your passport, travel insurance, or any other important documents are. In some countries it’s best to carry these documents on you in a safe place at all times; ask your travel agent ahead of time to figure out what is the best way to deal with your travel papers.

ACT the way you would like visitors to your country to act!

There are many situations where cultural differences and language barriers may make you uncomfortable or confused. If you act respectfully, are ready to learn when someone points out that you’ve acted inappropriately, and are careful not to take or damage anything around you, people will often forgive your transgressions. But remember that being an “ignorant tourist” is not a license to do anything you’d like; nor is it a good way to immerse yourself in another culture. Get informed! And be ready to laugh at yourself a little; soon, people will be laughing with you, and you may find that you’ve made a friend you never expected to make.


Do you want to be a  Responsible Tourist?
Making responsible choices about your holiday can help protect communities and the environment. By following some simple guidelines you can reduce the negative impact of travelling abroad, help to protect the heritages and preserve local cultures, and ensure the destination as a whole benefit.

  • Your holiday, their home! Often we give little thought to the impact we will have on our holiday destination, its people, culture, economy and environment. Remember that while you are on holiday, you are actually entering into someones home and everyday life.
  • Are you too big for your boots? How heavily do you ‘tread’ on your holiday? Natural resources are precious and the size of your ecological footprint will have an impact.

Go green. This could start in your hotel with towels and bed sheets. If you are staying longer, ask them not to change your sheets and towels every day. Turn of lights and air conditioners when not needed and think about your waste disposal. Reuse the water bottles. Don’t buy wildlife products!

  • Go local. Support the local economy. Buy from local markets and roadside vendors. Eat in local restaurants. Stay in locally owned hotels. This keeps money in the economy and helps local people keep their jobs.
  • Use local guides and drivers. Not only is it a great opportunity to interact with the locals and build friendship, but it encourages locals to learn about their history and culture and take pride in it.
  • Book directly with your hotel. Third party booking agents take large commissions, and less money will benefit the host country, and the local community. You are more likely to get a better price when booking directly. It’s a win : win deal.
  • Don’t stress. Our hurried concept of time is not the same in other cultures and local people s thought patterns differ from your own. Challenge yourself and do like the local people do, just for a day.
  • A win : win deal?Bargaining is expected in many cultures and we all enjoy the haggling with a smile and a laugh, but its easy to get carried away trying to find the best deal. The money you saved could be enough to pay for an entire family’s meal that night.
  • Giving back – Giving gifts unfortunately encourages begging. Try to refrain from giving to begging children. Find a project, health centre or school to donate to instead. This will have a more positive and long-lasting impact. before you give, do your research to ensure the organisation you support is a legitimate one.
  • Volunteering.If you are thinking about volunteering your time, think about the impacts it will have on the local organisation. A skilled volunteer can be of great help for a local organisation, especially with staff education & training, organisational development, marketing or other specific skills that are needed. If you are able to stay minimum 3-6 months or more, many organisations will welcome you with open arms. Short term volunteering is unfortunately often doing more harm than good. If you only have a few days to spare and would like to contribute your time, it’s probably more beneficial to think about other alternatives than volunteering.
  • Be aware of orphanage tourism.Some orphanages welcome tourists to come and play with the children for a few hours. It can be an eye-opening and a feel-good experience for the tourist, but the effect may be the exact opposite for the children. Remember that these children are vulnerable and need stability in their lives, not a constant flow of strangers visiting. Recent studies shows that three out of four orphans in Cambodia have at least one living parent. United Nations Children’s Fund and most other child protecting organisations agree that children are better off living in families or community settings if possible. Unfortunately many orphanages has been set up in tourist areas to raise funds from well-intended travelers, and some are intentionally kept in bad condition to bring in more donations. That means that good intentioned tourists and volunteers are often funding a system that is encouraging separating children from their families. That does not mean that all orphanages are bad and should not be funded. A well run orphanages will only allow tourists to enter into a designated information area accompanied by staff, and have proper child protection policies in place. Tourists visiting orphanages without a proper child protection policy are potentially putting children at risk, and it is not recommended. Click here for an informative article about the negative impacts of Orphanage Tourism from Good Intentions are not enough, or here to view a documentary on Cambodia’s Orphanage Tourism sent on Al Jazeera.
  • Don’t be a critic.Things does not always work out according to the plan. Have an understanding that peace only returned to Cambodia 12 years ago, and it is still one of the poorest and least developed countries in Asia. The local people do not yet have the same level of education as people from more developed countries do, many have never attended school, but they strive to do their best and are eager to learn and improve. Try to deal with challenges in a sensitive and positive manner. It can be a learning experience for both.
  • Good manners are universal. A responsible tourist is polite, positive and eco-sensitive.
  • Enjoy!The chore of responsible tourism is to make a better place to live in and a better place to visit!

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