Litang ལི་ཐང་།

Litang is a nomadic town located in the southwest of Garzi Tibetan Autonomous Region in west of Sichuan province. Litang town is a major center of Tibetan culture in Kham and it has about a population of 50000 and the town sits at an elevation of 4000m is one of the highest in the Tibetan areas in Kham. Litang is located at the edge of a vast grassland which offers expansive views from many places in town. Several Dalai Lamas were born here and lived in the local monastery located just outside the town on a hillside. Litang is a bustling little place with colorful street with Tibetan nomads coming here to sell and buy their products. The older parts are situated on the hill slopes to the east, while busy construction work is extending the place into the surrounding grassy plains. Many of the new buildings are being constructed in the traditional local style. The majority of the population is ethnically Tibetan. Litang Horse Festival is a summer horse festival held near the town every year in August.During the festival. Khampas from all over the Tibetan Plateau come to trade, celebrate and ride. The festival is held generally the first week in August, and it usually runs from August 1 to August 7. During the festival horsemanship and horse races are held upon the Tibetan Ponies. These small and fast horses are raced and shown to see who owns the best horse.

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