Chengdu to Shangri-la Overland Trip


  • Price: $1200
  • Destinations: Chengdu. Danba. Tagong. Ganzi. Derge. Palyul. Litang. Daocheng. Yading. Dechen. Shangrila.
  • Duration: 14 Days
  • Tour Features: Explore the land of four rivers and six ranges. Discovery the ancient kingdoms of Khampa Land. Ancient city Derge. Vast Litang grassland. and the last land of Shangrila Dechen.
  • Seasons: All year around

  • Tour Description  
  • Itineraries
  • Price Guide
  • Trip Photos 
This private tour will show you the land of six ranges and four rivers. Discovery the ancient kingdoms of Khampa Land. Ancient cultural city Derge. Nomad land Lithang. and the last land of Shangrila Dechen Tibetan region in Yunnan province.

Make An Inqury 

Day 1: Arrival in Chengdu [500m]

Upon your arrival, your driver will be waiting for you at the exit gate of Chengdu airport and transfer you to the hotel in downtown. If time allows, you are welcome to visit one of Chengdu’s oldest streets.

Day 2: Chengdu [500m]

In the morning visit the Chengdu Panda breeding base, the base is located in the northeast suburb of Chengdu, about 13km from downtown. It is regarded as the most important panda sanctuary in the world and is dedicated to the protection of the giant pandas and other endangered species.

Day 3: Chengdu – Danba [1860m] 350km 5-6 hours

In the morning drive to Danba via Mt Kulha, one of the highest mountains in west Sichuan province. After a short break at the view point of Mt Kulha drive to Rongdrak. Danba in Chinese. Rongdrak Tibetan Villages are known as the most beautiful villages all over China. famed for unique architectures. In Rongdrak, You can see the watchtowers established for more than a thousand of years ago during the kings of Tibet. The the whole region called Gyalmo Zawarong in Tibetan. Stay overnight in Danba.

Day 4: Danba – Lhagong [3730m] 150km 2.5 hours

In the morning drive from Rongdark to Lhagang. Tagong in Chinese. Visit Lhagang Gonpa or Minyak Pel Lhagang Monastery is a Sakya monastery located in Lhagang village, in the Minyak region in Kham. Lhagang Monastery is regarded as one of the most famous monasteries in the region, mainly due to the Jowo statue kept there, which many believe is of equal importance to the Jowo statue in Lhasa. You can also see the Zhara Lhatse, the mountain is the highest mountain in Minyak region of Kham. And It has an elevation of 5820m. And the unique sharp pointed shape made the Mt Zhara Lhatse itself more beautiful and holy. This mountain is also strongly connected with the stories of Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava). Stay overnight in Lhagong.

Day 5: Lhagong – Ganzi [3390m] 270km 4 hours

In the morning drive to Ganzi via the vast grassland into the deep valleys with thick forest. From the last pass before arrive Ganzi. You will be seeing the breathtaking view from the Ganzi northern mountain range Nelhu pass with elevation of almost 4600m and also see Mt Kawa Lhori and its stunning range. Once arrive in Garzi visit De Gompa. Which is located at the center of the town, and you will see lots pilgrims are taking kora around the temple and offering pujas. Stay overnight in Garzi.

Day 6: Ganzi – Derge [3240m] 190km 4 hours

In the morning drive to Dege via Yulong Lhatse and Mt Chola pass.Yulong Lhatso located beside the Manigange town about 11km, Derge county, made by effects of glaciation, altitude over 4500M, with Chola ranges surrounding, the deepest is 15M, covers an area of 2.72 sq km. Chola mountains, Chola in Tibetan, meaning’s mountain neighboring a lake’, there 5 peaks over 5000 meters and a lot of lakes, grass meadows. The main peak Chola is 6168M, afternoon visit Dege Parkhang or Dege Sutra Printing House is independent from the monastery and is the first substantial building you’ll encounter walking south from the town’s center along the stream. The Printing House is in a beautiful traditional temple which was restored in 1991. It is constantly circambulated by townspeople and pilgrims. though you can take pictures of the printing process. The institution was founded in 1729 by Chogyal (dharma king) Denba Tsering. There are more than 140,000 printing blocks, a large collection of national cultural relics and a library comprising 830 books consisting of 10000 volumes. The last surviving copy of an old history of Indian Buddhism is amongst them.Stay overnight Derge.

Day 7: Derge – Dzongsar [3600m] 120km 3 hours

In the morning drive along with the Yangtze river to the Dzongsar, visit Dzongsar, Dzongsar Monastery was founded in 746 by a Bönpo lama. Located on a promontory overlooking the great Khamje Valley in Derge, the monastery is the birthplace of the Khyentse lineage. Today it is a vibrant Tibetan community that includes a large monastery, a shedra (monastic college), a clinic, retreat centers, and a school. Dzongsar is home to both lay and monastic practitioners, who are dedicated to the study and practice of Dharma. And also visit Dopuk valley. And also the valley is famous for its Tibetan traditional artifacts like bronze making and black pottery. Stay overnight Dzongsar.

Day 8: Dzongsar – Palyul [3050m] 150km 3 hours

In the morning drive along with the Yangtze river to the Pelyul, In Pelyul visit the Palyul Monastery. It was built by Lhachen Jampa Phuntsog, the first Dharma King of Dege. It was constructed on a site which possesses all the essential auspicious signs and had been blessed by the presence of many great Mahasiddhas. Stay overnight in Palyul.

Day 9: Palyul – Litang [4014m] 300km 5-6 hours  

In the morning drive through Tibetan towns and villages dotted by beautiful designed houses. On the way, you can also see a beautiful lake with turquoise color. You will also cross some of the high elevated passes before Litang town. Here you will visit Litang Gonchen. Litang Gonchen or Litang Chokhor Ling is a major Geluk monastery that was founded in 1580 by the Third Dalai Lama, Sonam Gyatso on his return to Tibet from Mongolia. Stay overnight in Litang. Stay overnight in Palyul.

Day 10: Litang – Daocheng – Yading [3300m] 230km 4 hours

Drive from Litang to Daocheng or Dabpa in tibetan first and then continue drive to Yadingis a national level reserve in Dapba or Daocheng County. It is a mountain sanctuary and major Tibetan pilgrimage site comprising three peaks sanctified by the 5th Dalai Lama. The peaks are seen as emanations of the three boddhisatvas Chenrezig (Avalokiteśvara), Jampayang (Manjushri) and Chanadorje (Vajrapani), with Chenrezig being the highest peak at 6032 meters above sea level.Stay overnight in Yading.

Day 11: Yading [3300m] (hiking)

In the morning, we will take the shuttle bus from Yading sanctuary to Lhorong pasture first and then walk from Lhorong pasture to Five Color Lake and Milk Lake, normally it takes 2.5 hour one way. After hike, we will take the return bus to Yading town. Stay overnight in Yading.

Day 12: Yading – Dechen [3400m] 320km 6-7 hours

Today will be a long drive, but the landscape is beautiful, a long gorge between two huge mountain ranges. Kawa Garbo or Khawa Karpo, as it is known by local residents and pilgrims, or Kawagebo Peak, is the highest mountain in the Chinese province of Yunnan. It is located on the border between Dechen County, Yunnan, and the counties of Zogang and Zayül of the Tibet Autonomous Region.Yading town. Stay overnight in Dechen.

Day 13: Dechen – Shangrila [3276m] 170km 3 hours

In the morning, we will drive to Shangri-la, The city of Shangri La (formerly called Zhongdian or Gyalthang in Tibetan) is located in the center of the sacred region of the 3 rivers: Yangtze, Mekong and Salween. Once arrive in Shangri-la, head to the Tibetan Ganden Songtzan ling Monastery, located just outside the city. The monastery has undergone many renovations in recent years. Zhongdian Old Town is also worth a visit. It’s nice to see the locals dancing every night on the main square in the old town. Stay overnight in Shangri-la.

Day 14: Depart from Shangrila [3276m]

Our driver will drop you off at airport or train station. Tour ends.

What’s the price included?

Private professional English-speaking Tibetan tour guide.
Private transportation.
All accommodations with Breakfast, based on Double/Single/Triple-occupancy according to your requirement
Deluxe/Standard/Budget accommodation according to your requirement
Airport/train Station pick up & Drop off
Service & government taxes.
Tourists Accident/Casualty Insurance

What’s the price excluded?

China visa
All air tickets and train tickets to and from Tibet.
Sightseeing tickets.
Meals ( Lunch & Dinner)
Personal expenses such as laundry, drink, fax, telephone call, optional tour activities, etc.
Gratuities, tips to guides, drivers, etc.
Single room supplement

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