Gyanak Mani Stone Pile རྒྱ་ནག་མ་ཎི་རྡོ་འབུམ།

Gyanak Mani in Seng-Se is a religious site of Tibetan Buddhism known for its huge number of  mani stones at Gyanak mani Temple in Yushu City, Yushu Autonomous District of the Tibetans in Qinghai Province, China. A key site on the city outskirts. Which has been recognized by the Tibetan people as a sacred place since the eighteenth century. After the founding of Gyanak Mani, people collected white stones from the sacred mountains near the site and began the tradition of excavating and engraving the mani stones near the site. Mani stone are considered by the Tibetans embody the speech of the body and are often inscribed the phrase from the Avalokitesvara’s mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, the ritual of leaving mani stones at significant site is widely practised in the Tibetan regions, where it is seen as a means of the communicating with the deities of that particular place. The act of placing a mani stone or gathering to form a mounds or long wall is believed to encourage the protection, health, and the good fortune of the bearer. Especially after the cultural revolution, the piles grew to became the largest collection mani stone piles in the world with a total number of 2.5 billions. Founded in 1715 by the Tibetan Buddhist monk Gyanak Dode Sangchok Pawang (also known as Gyanak Lama). By the 1950s and the 1950s, it had gone through 240 years of continuous dedication. It had formed a vast scale of 450 m long from east to west, 100 m wide from north to south. The peculiar Mani stones can be found at the mountain pass, by the lake, near the temples, and also at shrines of homes in the Tibetan areas. But its hard to see such a huge pile of Mani stones anywhere in Tibet accept the Mani Stone Pile in Yushu. There are eight white pagodas and a huge prayer wheels on the east side of mani stone pile, and a countless pilgrims are visiting and circumambulating the site everyday in early in the morning to late afternoon. The Gyanak Mani Pile site is surrounded by shops, guest houses and restaurants and just next to the main road from Xining to Yushu highway. Mani stone handicraftsmen are also living near the site and they carving mani stone all year around. People buy mani stones and place it on the top of the mani stone piles in order to benefit blessings from Buddha during the special occasion like full moon day of Tibetan calendar of every month.

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