Dzongsar Monastery རྫོང་གསར་དགོན་པ།

Dzongsar Monastery was originally founded in 746 AD by a Bönpo Lama. The original Bönpo Gonpa was later transformed into a Nyingma and a Kadampa temple at some stage but it wasn’t until 1275 that it was founded as a Sakya monastery by Drogön Chögyal Phagpa. Dzongsar had between 300 and 500 permanent resident monks, but frequently contained many more people who camped around the monastery in tents to meet with the lamas.

The monastery had twenty three temples, large and small, and many important sacred rooms. It contained hermitages such as Khamshe Shekdra, Karmo Taktsang retreat centre, Gargu Shangchub Rihtrek retreat centre, Zamnang Pema Shelpuk, Zingkhok Trawo retreat centre, Tsedrak Drulphuk, Gyalgen Chungtak, Munong Dorjee Drakal, Tsa-chu-juk Chenresig Lhakang, Honda Thongthong Gyalpo, and others. Dzongsar had a unique collection of Rimé scriptures and teachings, gathered by the proponents of the Rime movement, Jamgon Kongtrul, Chokyi Lingpa and Khyentse Wangpo. Although Dzongsar was a Sakya monastery by principle it was known to be flexible in its teachings and made it possible to study eight sects of Buddhism.

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