Dzamthang Monasteries ཛམ་ཐང་དགོན་པ།

Dzamthang monasteries are located at a same place adjoining each other in the valley of mid Dzamthang. The largest three monasteries Tsangwa. Choje and Tsechu are formed a monastic city in this valley.

Tsangwa Monastery གཙང་བ་དགོན་པ།

Tsangwa Monastery is an important Jonang monastery that was founded in 1717 by Lodro Namgyel. It is one of three monasteries, the other two being Choje and Tsechu, that comprise the Dzamtang monastic complex. It is divided into Tsangchung and Tsangchen Monasteries.

Tsechu Monastery ཚེས་བཅུ་དགོན་པ།

Tsechu is a Jonang monastery that was founded in 1462 in Amdo. Together with the adjoining monasteries of Tsangwa and Choje, they make up Dzamtang monastery complex in the Dzamtang area in eastern Tibet.

Choje Monastery ཆོས་རྗེ་དགོན་པ།

Choje is a Jonang monastery that was founded in 1425 by Rinchen Pel in Dzamtang in Ngawa. Together with the adjoining monasteries of Tsangwa and Tsechu, they make up the Dzamtang monastery complex in the Dzamtang area in eastern Tibet. Choje is the oldest monastery of the complex while Tsangwa is the main monastery and the home institution of the Jonang order.

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