Welcome to Tibet World Travel

Tibet World Travel

Welcome and Tashi Delek on behalf of TWT. We offer an independent, friendly, reliable, comprehensive and safe tours and trekkings service at very aggressive rates. We have been providing quality travel services from long time. We provide Trekking, Horse Riding Trekking,

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Why Travel With Us

It can be tough being in another country, especially one with cultural practices, language, and climate very different from your own. Assumptions you make about where you can go, what you can film, with whom you can speak, and what you can eat, may be terribly wrong, and in the …

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Being a Responsible Tourist

It can be tough being in another country, especially one with cultural practices, language, and climate very different from your own. Assumptions you make about where you can go, what you can film, with whom you can speak, and what you can eat, may be terribly wrong, and in the …

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About High Altitude Illness

               Adverse reactions to the high altitudes of Dokham Tibet are one of the biggest challenges in traveling there. However, if you are properly informed and prepared, high altitude should not be an obstacle to safe and comfortable travel. Altitudes of different regions of DokhamTibet Tips to avoid AMS – …

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