
Mt. Gado Jowo trek

This private tour will show you the perfect route from Amdo to Kham region with holiest Mt Gato Jowo. and you will also visit the largest nunnery in the world Yachen Gar. and the magnificent views of Lhagang grass land.

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Nyenbo Yurtse Trek

This private tour will show you one of the most beautiful mountains Mt Nyebo Yurtse with turquoise lakes around it. and trekking around the holy mountain and experience the nomad life of Tibetan people. Discover monasteries in Labrang. Taktsang Lhamo. and Repkong.

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Amnye Machen Inner Kora

This private tour will show the one of the four Tibetan holiest mountains Amnye Machen located in Amdo region. and trek around the mountain with magnificent views of the Amnye Machen massif peaks. Experience Tibetan nomad life around the mountain.

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Tibet Festival Calender

Festival  County & Location Duration (Days) 2016 2017 Tibetan New Year All over Tibet 3-5 Feb 9th Jan 28th Monlam Festival All over Tibet Active in Repkong & Labrang 8 Feb 23rd Jan 30th – Feb 10th Butter Lamp Festival All over Tibet 1 Feb 23rd Dec 12th Saga Dawa …

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