Achuang Namdzong ཨ་ཆུང་གནམ་རྫོང་།

Achung Namdzong is revered as one of the 25 important power places of Kham and Amdo, specifically symbolizing the mind aspect of Buddha mind. During persecution of Buddhism in Central Tibet by the last king of Tibet, the three high scholars fled from Lhasa to Amdo and stayed  in the caves at Achung Namdzong for 20 year. In late centuries, Achung Namdzong was visited by most of the important Nyingmapa masters from all over Tibet.

Four monasteries are built around the Achung Namdzong because of its land features and power.

Achung Namdzong nunnery was founded by Gurong Natsok Rangdol in 1710, originally it was the main place where a famous meditation practitioner called Yeshi Dolma took life time practition here in Achung Namdzong. This nunnery became the most important Nyingmapa school in Amdo, visited by many Dzogchen masters in Kham and Amdo. The nunnery has a large stupa in front of the main temple and eight small stupas symbolizing the major events in the life of Shakyamuni Buddha. The main temple contains images of Padmakara and his two consorts, along with Manjughosa and Tara. The murals depict the 35 confession Buddhas, 16 elders and Longchen Nyingtig lineage.

The temple at the roof of Namdzong Tse was originally founded in 1913, it functioned as an important hermitage for Nyingma practice. The caves of three monks are also located at Namdzong Tse, there are traces of original murals. Nowadays it accessible by newly built wooden ladders on the north side of the hill all the way to top.

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