About High Altitude Illness

Adverse reactions to the high altitudes of Dokham Tibet are one of the biggest challenges in traveling there. However, if you are properly informed and prepared, high altitude should not be an obstacle to safe and comfortable travel.

What is the definition of High Altitude?
– High Altitude: 1500 – 3500 m (5000 – 11500 ft)
– Very High Altitude: 3500 – 5500 m (11500 – 18000 ft)
– Extreme Altitude: above 5500 m When acclimatization lags significantly behind ascent, various symptoms occur. Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) represents the body’s intolerance of the hypoxic (low oxygen) environment at high elevations.
What are the symptoms of AMS?
– Hyperventilation (fast breathing)
– Shortness of breath during exertion
– Increased urination
– Altered breathing patterns at night
– Frequent nighttime awakening
– Strange dreams

Altitudes of different regions of DokhamTibet

Place                            Altitude
Lhasa              3658 m    12001 ft
Nyingchi         3000 m     9843 ft
NagChu          4507 m    14787 ft
Tsetang           3500 m     11483 ft
Chamdo          3205 m      10515 ft
Shegatse         3836 m      12585 ft
Damshung      4200 m       13780 ft
Gyantse           4040 m       13255 ft
Pome               2750 m       9022 ft
Tingri              4300 m      14108 ft
Amdo              4800 m       15748 ft
Zayui               2325 m        7628 ft
Place                           Altitude
Chengdu.                     500m
Lanzhou                      1500m
Xining                          2270m
Golmud.                      2800m
Jyekundo                    3700m
Machen                       3670m
Repkong                      2800m
Labrang                       2900m
Lithang                        4100m

Place                          Altitude
Taktsang Lhamo.      3600m
Chabcha                      2900m
Kokonor                      3200m
Nangchen                   3300m
Madoi                          4300m
Sershul                        4100m
Derge                           3100m
Pelyul                          3100m
Garze                           3400m
Serta                            3900m
Zamthang                   3100m
Pema                            3400m

Tips to avoid AMS
– Do exercise to improve your fitness before coming to Tibet.
– Try to avoid catching a cold (frequent hand-washing, etc.).
– Make sure to get a good night’s sleep the night before flying to Lhasa.
– Avoid strenuous activity during your first day in Tibet.
– When arriving in the airport in Lhasa, walk slowly, take deep breaths. Take time to acclimatize.
– Ascend to higher altitudes gradually. DO NOT ASCEND ANY HIGHER if you begin feeling ill.
– Prepare AMS medication, in accordance with a doctor’s advice.

·  Further Readings

Outdoor Action Guide to High Altitude: Acclimatization and Illnesses
All About Altitude Illness
The High Altitude Medicine Guide


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