Drakar Tredzong Monastery བྲག་དཀར་སྤྲེལ་རྫོང་།

Drakar Tredzong monastery-The White Monkey Fortress is a rarely visited remote monastery in Amdo Tibet. It is one of the most famous monastery in Amdo and brings many pilgrims each year. The monastery is located at the base of 5000m mountain and earlier it had close to 1000 monks but around 400 monks there at present. Drakar Tredzong has one of the few evergreen forests on the northern Tibetan Plateau. Wildlife such as wolves, deer, foxes, gazelle and a large variety of birds all live above the monastery. There is a pilgrimage kora winding around the mountain that takes 5 or 6 hours to complete. The mountains above the monastery offer abundant hiking routes and have excellent views of the area.

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